
Balans - "Tillit är grunden"

Inkludera och transparent – så ska en ledare vara. Dessutom ska du både kunna leverera…

Swedish Administrative Court of Appeal did not consider multiple-year data, adjusted the taxable result

In November 2021, Sweden’s Administrative Court of Appeal ruled in favour…

Balans - "Skatterådgivare tar plats i globalt nätverk"

Censio tax blir medlemmar i ett globalt nätverk inom internprissättning. ”Vi hoppas kunna…

Swedish Administrative Court rules in favor of the taxpayer in transfer pricing case about control and substance

On February 28, the Swedish administrative court ruled against the Swedish…

Revisionsvärlden - "Svensk skatteutmanare till internationellt nätverk"

Censio Tax, en oberoende skatterådgivare specialiserad på transfer pricing…

EU court rejects Swedish rules limiting deductions for cross-border interest payments

In a ruling released January 20, the European Court of Justice found the Swedish rules…

Swedish court denies telecom giant’s tax deduction for exchange losses

The Swedish Lower Administrative Court on 4 January upheld the Swedish tax agency’s…

Swedish tax agency clarifies DAC6 transfer pricing hallmarks

In November and December 2020, the Swedish tax agency published guidance clarifying…

Sweden proposes to deny tax deductions for interest payments to companies located in EU blacklist countries

The Swedish government, on 3 September 2020, proposed to deny tax deductions for interest…